Computer Cleaners
Keeping up on the maintenance of your computer is a good thing. Sometimes the problem with a computer is not the power source of motherboard, but how much dust has accrued on the fans and vents. A computer operates better in the cold, and heat slows it down; keeping the vents and fans working in good condition therefore helps keep the computer operating smoothly. The keyboard also needs to be cleaned; too much dust or other detritus can make using it difficult at best. There are a number of cleaning supplies that can help keep your computer clean; it is just a matter of finding time to do the basic maintenance on the computer.
The first issue should be the vents and fan. The problem is removing the dust that builds up over normal use, and is especially rough in dusty environments. The best solution is to use a small ½ horsepower vacuum to suck out the dust and other detritus; this can also be used to remove garbage that has accumulated under the keys on your keyboard. Once you have dealt with the garbage, you can then wipe the keys themselves off with an alcohol cleaning solution and some fresh wipes, which can also help clean off the monitor, making it clear and visible.
A good all-in-one kit will have all of the above plus a few other items for cleaning your computer. While you are cleaning everything else, it may not be a bad to take apart your mouse, if it is an older model that uses a ball; the ball and its housing gather gunk like nobody's business. The CD-ROM/DVD drive also needs to be cleaned, as the laser inside always needs some cleaning. It may take an hour a week to properly clean it will be time well spent.
Everyone remembers to clean the inside of the computer. Between defragmentation, anti-virus scans. and disk clean up software, it is easy to take care of how your computer runs. However, cleaning the outside of the computer is usually forgotten, at least until the monitor gets so dirty it can not be seen out of or the keyboard changes color due to dust. Between garbage getting under the keyboard keys and vents filling with dust, cleaning your computer every so often will allow you to keep your computer operating in good condition. So find the time to clean it, or lose it.